Combined Degrees

Students have the option of taking two or three degree programs concurrently to save time and money. However the combined programs are significantly harder to complete and require more efforts and studying. All the combined degrees are offered online on-demand without the need to attend any classes on campus.

MBA/DO dual degree

The two programs can be taken concurrently online on-demand & take 4 years full time to complete for category 1 students without health background.

Category 2 students who have previous health education including manual osteopaths with a DOMP, massage therapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, nurses & homeopaths can complete the dual degree program in two years full time.

Category 3 students who have a doctoral degree including chiropractors, physiotherapists, physicians, osteopaths with a bachelor of science, osteopaths with a master of science, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists, optometrists, naturopaths & psychologists can complete the MBA/DO program in 1 year full time.

BSc/DO dual degree

The two programs can be taken concurrently online on-demand & take 4 years full time to complete for category 1 students without health background.

Category 2 students who have previous health education including manual osteopaths with a DOMP, massage therapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, nurses & homeopaths can complete the dual degree program in two years full time.

Category 3 students who have a doctoral degree including chiropractors, physiotherapists, physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists, optometrists, naturopaths & psychologists can complete the BSc/DO program in 1 year full time.

Curriculum for category 2 students with previous health education (2 years - 2368 hours total - 592 hours per semester)

1st Year(1st Semester)1st Year(2nd Semester)2nd Year(3rd Semester)2nd Year(4th Semester)
MobilizationVisceral ManipulationMobilizationVisceral Manipulation
Muscle Energy TechniquesCranial OsteopathyMuscle Energy TechniquesCranial Osteopathy
Soft Tissue TherapySpinal ManipulationSoft Tissue TherapyFacilitated Positional Release Technique
Facilitated Positional Release TechniqueBalanced Ligamentous Tension TechniquesClinical ErgonomicsStrain / Counter Strain Techniques
Strain / Counter Strain TechniquesStill TechniquesClinical LaboratoryBalanced Ligamentous Tension Techniques
Ethics and Clinical ManagementNeurodiagnosisRadiologyStill Techniques
NeurologyOrthopedic ExaminationImmunologyTherapeutic Exercises
Diagnosis and SymptomologyClinical BiomechanicsLower Limb Patient AssessmentPhysiotherapy Modalities
Clinical NutritionBusiness ManagementOsteopathy Philosophy and PrinciplesSport Injuries
Taping TechniquesMedical MicrobiologyAuxiliary Osteopathic Therapy : Orthotics and CastingPathomechanics and Foot care
Fitness Assessments and Health PromotionGait Biomechanics and Anatomy of the Lower LimbThesis
Osteopathy Philosophy and PrinciplesLower Limb Diagnosis and Assessment

Curriculum for category 3 students with doctoral degree (1 year - 1120 hours total - 560 hours per semester)

1st Year(1st Semester)1st Year(2nd Semester)
Muscle Energy TechniquesMuscle Energy Techniques
Soft Tissue TherapySoft Tissue Therapy
Osteopathy Philosophy and PrinciplesVisceral Manipulation
Visceral ManipulationSpinal Manipulation
Cranial OsteopathyCranial Osteopathy
Facilitated Positional Release TechniqueFacilitated Positional Release Technique
Strain / Counter Strain TechniquesStrain / Counter Strain Techniques
Balanced Ligamentous Tension TechniquesBalanced Ligamentous Tension Techniques
Still TechniquesStill Techniques
Spinal ManipulationTherapeutic Exercises
Ethics and Clinical ManagementBusiness Management
Clinical NutritionPhysiotherapy Modalities
Clinical ErgonomicsLower Limb Patient Assessment
RadiologyPathomechanics and Foot care
Taping TechniquesThesis
Fitness Assessments and Health Promotion

BSc/MBA dual degree

The two programs can be taken concurrently online on-demand & take 3 years full time to complete for category 1 students without health background.

Category 2 students who have previous health education including manual osteopaths with a DOMP, massage therapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, nurses & homeopaths can complete the dual degree program in one year full time.

Category 3 students who have a doctoral degree including chiropractors, physiotherapists, physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists, optometrists, naturopaths & psychologists can complete the BSc/MBA program in one year full time.

BSc(O)/MSc(AT) dual degree

The two programs can be taken concurrently online on-demand & take 3 years full time to complete for:

  • Category 1 students without health background.
  • Category 2 students who have previous health education including manual osteopaths with a DOMP, massage therapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, nurses & homeopaths can complete the dual degree program in one year full time.
  • Category 3 students who have a doctoral degree including chiropractors, physiotherapists, physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists, optometrists, naturopaths & psychologists can complete the BSc (O)/MSc (AT) program in 1 year full time.

BSc/MBA/DO combined degree

The three programs can be taken concurrently online on-demand & take 4 years full time to complete for category 1 students without health background.

Category 2 students who have previous health education including manual osteopaths with a DOMP, massage therapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, nurses & homeopaths can complete the three degree program in two years full time.

Category 3 students who have a doctoral degree including chiropractors, physiotherapists, physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists, optometrists, naturopaths & psychologists can complete the BSc/MBA/DO program in one year full time.

Other Combined Degree Programs

Many of National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) degree programs could be taken together in order to save on time and tuition including, DPT/DO, DN/DO, DBM/DO, MBA/DPT, OTD/DO, MBA/DBM, MBA/OTD, MSc(AT)/MBA, MSc(AT)/DO, and so on. To receive more information and NUMSS (Spain) information package send us an email to