All students enrolled at National University of Medical Sciences are prohibited from providing treatment, advice, or acting in a clinical manner, as it relates to a health profession for which he or she is not licensed or registered, with any person unless under the supervision and direction of a clinician.
Each student enrolled at NUMSS is strictly prohibited from practicing and/or holding himself/herself out as a health care practitioner.
Students are subject to the rules, regulations and policies established from time to time by NUMSS. The student is subject to the laws, regulations and conduct set out by NUMSS and the jurisdiction they reside.
Failure to comply with this regulation may lead to disciplinary action, which may include expulsion or suspension from NUMSS, and further civil, administrative and/or criminal action being commenced against the offending student.
Consent of an individual is not justification for inappropriate conduct by a student. A student with a concern or question regarding the above policy is advised to contact the registrar to ascertain NUMSS’s position with respect to any potential issue.